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Q4 2024 Enhancements
Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a month ago

You asked and we listened! With user input we've rolled out some new enhancements to VerticalChange. Check them out below.

Bulk-Assigning Program and Form Permissions

We are excited to share that VerticalChange now allows users to bulk-assign Form and Program permissions by Permission Set. This enhancement reduces the amount of time it takes to assign Programs and Forms to staff users.

Ability to Copy Permission Sets

VerticalChange now allows you to be able to copy Permission Sets.

This enhancement will allow you to not have to start from scratch when creating a new permission set.

This can come in handy when doing things like:

  • Needing to create a new permission set that mirrors an existing Permission Set without having to build it from new. Simply copy the existing Permission Set and edit what is or is not needed

  • When you have users in different roles but they need the same Permission Sets. Copying the existing Permission Set will allow you to quickly set up more than one Permission Set and simply edit the title of the new Permission Set

Location Scoping Updates

We have made several updates to the way that locations are scoped in several places within VerticalChange, including:

  • Staff Assignment

  • Notes and Documents at the Contact Level

  • Agency Documents

  • Agency Bulletin Board

Merge Duplicate Contacts - Admin Only

Admin Users are able to merge duplicate contacts in the event that duplicate contacts have been created.

  1. Access the contact that you want to keep

  2. Click on the new “Merge” tab on the contact

  3. Enter the UID of the contact that is the duplicate

  4. Select all areas that you want to merge (defaults to all)

  5. Click Save

  6. You will receive a message that the contacts have been merged successfully

Data Aggregation

VerticalChange now offers Data Aggregation. Data Aggregation allows you to identify fields that you would like to see on the Details tab of a Contact but have data for those fields populate fromActivities and/or Assessment forms or other CST forms.

Contact a member of our Support Team at if you would like to learn more.

CST Dependencies

VerticalChange now has the ability to assign more than one Contact Subtype (CST) when creating a new contact.

This allows you to add multiple CSTs based on dependencies without having to go back into the Contact Details tab and manually adding additional CST types to the contact.

This can be done using our CST Dependencies feature.

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