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Field Mapping in Forms

How to copy results from fields in contact forms to those in activity/assessment forms

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a year ago

The field mapping feature in VerticalChange allows you to automatically copy the results from fields on a contact form to an activity or assessment form. This could be useful if you are collecting demographics in your contact form, and you need to record the same information in an activity/assessment form (ex: an Intake Form). Instead of having to re-type everything, our field mapping feature allows that information to be copied with just the press of a button!

Steps for Setting Up Field Mapping on Your Form

1. First, the field names you want copied from the Contact Form to the Activity/Assessment Form need to be identical. Second, the slugs, both for the field itself and for any response options, need to be identical as well. If you are wanting to copy over the Date of Birth from your client's contact form to an Intake Assessment form, you may want to call your field "Client's Date of Birth" on both the Contact Form and the Assessment form. This will allow the mapping feature to figure out which field to pull from.ย 

2. Once you have set up your field names, in the form builder for your activity or assessment form, click on the "Enable field mapping" checkbox in the form's Standard Fields settings. Then save the changes.

Field Mapping in Action
To make the actual field mapping work, make sure that you have your client's "Details" section completed. If fields are empty, there will be nothing to copy over!

Once you have a client's details completed, choose the form that you enabled mapping on from the Activity or Assessment dropdown. Near the top of the form you will see a "Map fields from Contact" button.

Click this button and you will see the information from your client's details auto-fill in the form's fields.ย 

If you have any questions on using this feature, please reach out to the customer support team.

Also, check out some of our other articles:

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