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Data Aggregation
Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a month ago

Data Aggregation allows you to identify fields that you would like to see on the Details tab of a Contact but have data for those fields populate from Activities and/or Assessment forms or other CST forms.

Only users with access to Manage Data Aggregation via their permission set are able to set up Data Aggregation. If you are interested in turning on Data Aggregation for your account, contact our support team at

Setting up Data Aggregation

  1. Click on the Data Aggregation tab on the left side menu.

  2. Click "Add Data Aggregation".

  3. In the "Target CST" pop up, select the Target CST. This will be the CST that the data will populate into. You will only be presented with forms that are CST forms, as data aggregation can only be written to CST forms.

  4. Select your "Target Field". This will be the actual field that the data will write to from your "Source" form.

  5. Select "Source Form". This will the form from which the data is entered.

  6. In the "Source Field" dropdown, select the field that should populate back to the "Target Field".

    Note: The field types must match on the Target Field and Source field (examples: you can only map an address field to an address field, a text field to a text field, single-select to single-select). You will only see fields in the "Source Field" that match the field type in the "Target Field"

In the example above, when a user is completed the 90 Day Follow-Up form for a contact that is an Adult (Person) CST, when they enter the address on the 90 Day Follow-Up form and save the form, the address entered on the 90 Day Follow-Up will automatically populate to the address field on the Adult CST details tab for that contact.

Please note that if data already exists in the "Target Field" for the contact, it will be overwritten by what is entered on the "Source Form/Field" when a "Source Form" is completed and saved.

Currently, Data Aggregation only supports the following field types:

  1. Date

  2. Single Line Text

  3. Multiline Text

  4. Numeric

  5. Address

  6. Email

  7. Phone Number

  8. Single Answer

  9. Multiple Answer

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