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Who Administered a Form and When?

A walk-through of how to retrieve information about who administered a form and the date the form was administered

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over 7 years ago

The steps below will walk you through how to retrieve a list of when a particular activity or assessment form was completed and who it was completed by.

  1. Open the VerticalChange app and click on the "Reports" button in the left menu bar.

2. Click the "+ add new report" button.

3. If the activity/assessment forms were recorded for individual contacts, make sure the "Report On:" setting is set to "People." If the activity/assessment forms were recorded for group contacts, click "Groups."

4. In tStart by adding basic contact fields you may need for your report. Example - if you want to see the First and Last name of the contact the form was filled out for, click on "Person" -> "Basic fields" -> "First name" -> "Last name". You can add any contact details about who the form was filled out for in this section. 

5. Next, you'll want to find the form that you would like to pull data from. If the form is an activity form, click on the + button next to "Activities"; or if the form is an assessment form, click on the + button next to "Assessments". Then scroll down the list of forms until you find the one that you need. Click the + button next to the form name.

6. To get the date that the staff entered as the date the form was administered, click on the "Date of Activity" option. Similarly, you can click on "Created time", which gives the date that the form was created and saved in VerticalChange. 

You will now have a complete list of your contacts who have the form completed and the day it was administered.

7. To list the staff member that completed the form, click on the "Administered by" option under the form name. A new column will appear with the staff member who completed the form.

Filtering the Report

Now that you have a list of contacts who have a particular form completed about them along with the date administered and who it was administered by, there are a few ways you can filter this report!

Find one contact

To get information for one contact, add the contact's Unique ID to the report. 

Then find the "Unique ID" column and click on the filter icon to the right. Copy and paste the Unique ID of your contact into the search bar, then click "done." 

Group by unique contact
The report as you have pulled it shows one row for each form result. If a contact has two forms, you will see two rows of form results for the contact in your report. If you would like to only see one row for each contact that has at least one form, make sure you have added the contact's Unique ID to your report.

In the column for the Unique ID, click on the filter icon to the right, and click "Group by this field."

You will now see the contacts that have at least one form and a number indicating how many form results the contact has. 

Filter by a date range
If you'd like to see the forms administered within a particular date range, click the filter icon next to the Date of Activity. 

You can choose to filter by a time period, or enter a date range in the "From:" and "To:" section.

Once you have made your changes, click 'done.'

Filter by staff member
If you'd like to see the forms administered by a particular staff member, click on the filter icon next to the "Administered By" column. 

In the search bar, type the name of your staff member. 

For more articles about our Report Builder, see the Reporting section of our Help Center

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