Adding to a Form
A Single answer field allows a user to select one option from a list of options, using either radio buttons or a drop-down.
To add a Single Answer Field to your form, simply click the Single answer button under Available Fields section, or click and drag it into the desired location in your form.
Once it is added to your form, you can toggle open the settings and edit the field. For this field type, you can:
Change the Label
Set it as a Required field (adds a red asterisk next to the Label).
Display the options as Radio Buttons or a Select Dropdown
Change the labels of each option
Add more options by clicking on the + button next to the option that you want to add a new option below; or Remove an option by clicking on the - button next to the option you want to remove
Re-arrange the order of the options by clicking on the up and down arrows next to each option
Set an option as selected by default by clicking on the radio button to the left of the option
Add a text box for other information to an option by clicking on the Allow text input checkbox
Update the Placeholder text that appears in the added text box
Filling out a Form
When filling out a form for a contact or group with a Single answer field, it will appear as below. You can select only one option by clicking the radio button next to each option, or selecting an option from the dropdown.
If the field was set with a default, you will see that it is already selected when you start the form.Β