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A Contact's Sidebar

The different sections of a contact's sidebar

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a month ago

Each person, group, or family contact has a yellow sidebar on the right of the their profile that organizes quick data into different sections. Below is a list of the sections you'll find in a typical contact's profile and what information is in each section.

Status, Name, Print and Archive

The first section of a contact's sidebar is a series of icons and your contact's name.

The first icon, before the contact's name, is a contact's Status. A contact can be new (meaning no form results and no assigned staff), active, incomplete, or archived.

The second icon, after the contact's name, is a Print feature. This will allow you to print all of the information in the contact's Details tab in PDF format. 

The third icon is the Archive function. This button allows you to archive your contact

Unique ID

If your agency has the Unique ID Sidebar setting turned on, you will see a string of letters and numbers that is your contact's Unique ID

Group/Family Members

On group and family contacts, the sidebar will list each person who is a member of the group or family. Each name is linked to the person's contact profile. Clicking the (edit) link brings you to the group or family's Dashboard page, where you can add or remove members.


This is a list of all programs that your contact is currently enrolled in. Programs that the contact was disenrolled from do not show in this list. Each program name is linked to the program's description page. Clicking the (edit) link brings you to the contact's Programs page, where you can manage enrollments and disenrollments.

Assigned Staff

Assigning and unassigning staff happens in the contact's sidebar. To learn more about how to assign/unassign staff, check out the help article here


On person contacts, the sidebar will have two sections for Family and Group if the person is a member of a family or group. Each family/group is linked to the contact's profile page. Clicking the (edit) link brings you to the contact's Groups page. 

'Visible on Sidebar' Details

Your contact's sidebar may show information about the contact from the Details tab. This is an admin function where fields in a contact form can be marked 'Visible on Sidebar'. These fields will be different for different contact types. 


Once you have archived a contact, you will have the option to Delete the contact. The link to delete a contact will be at the bottom of the sidebar. 

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