To create a session that you can register students for and track attendance on, first search for the group contact that the session will be recorded on by typing in their name in the Jump to contact search bar.
Once on their profile, click the Sessions tab.
Click on the Record a new session dropdown box and select from one of the session form templates in the list.
Note: Sessions are linked to programs, so you will need to make sure that your group is enrolled in the same program that the session form is linked to. Otherwise, you will get a "Make sure the contact is assigned to a program that has sessions defined." message. Learn how to enroll a contact in a program.
Fill out all required information in the form, particularly Start Date and End Date, Start Time and End Time and Meeting Days.ย
Complete the form and then press Save.
You will now see the session has been created and is listed in your group's list of Sessions. You can now start registering your contacts for the session!
You can edit the details of a session by going to your group's Sessions tab, clicking on the name of the session, then clicking Edit in the top-right of the page.
You can also access the attendance and roster view for this session by clicking on the session name in the list of Sessions, then scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on View attendance and roster.