When you enroll someone into a program, whether it be from their initial contact form, or from the Programs tab, you have the option to assign them to an enrollment category, if they have been set.
Contact Creation
To assign your contact to an enrollment type on contact creation, select a program from the dropdown list under Enroll in Programs.
If an enrollment category is available, a secondary drop-down will appear and allow you to select a category. You can either select a category, or leave this blank.
Once you have made your selections from the drop-downs, click Save.
Contact's Programs
To assign your contact to an enrollment type from their Programs tab, first enroll them in the program.
Once they have been enrolled in the program, you will see a category dropdown in their Program Enrollment listing. Simply select the enrollment type from that category, and you're all set!
Changing an Enrollment Type
If you need to change the enrollment type that your contact is enrolled in, but not the program, you will need to disenroll and re-enroll the contact.
Go to the contact's Programs tab and find the program where you need to change the enrollment type.
Click Disenroll.
Once the contact is disenrolled from that program/type pair, select a new enrollment type from the category dropdown list.
Then click Enroll.
Your contact will now be enrolled in the new program and type.