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Pulling Data from one Program

How to pull a report of data sorted for one program

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a week ago

When pulling a report in the Report Builder of contact information or form data, you may want to look at the information from one program only.

It is simple to do this in the Report Builder by pulling in the associated program and using our filter option to filter it down to the program you need.

Contact Information

If you want to see contacts who are enrolled in a particular program, you can build up a report by selecting the following fields:

Person ->
    Basic Fields ->
         - Unique ID
         - First Name
         - Last Name

In this section, you can also choose to add in additional basic fields, such as the Date Created, contact's Type, Assigned To staff.

Next, add in any other demographic / contact information that you need in the report by clicking on the contact type and the fields needed.

Person ->
    Child ->
         - Date of Birth

Finally, you will pull in the programs the contact is enrolled in. Under the Person section, scroll to the last sub-section called Programs. Click open the Programs section and select Programs enrolled in

Person ->
    Programs ->
         - Programs enrolled in

In the central part of the Report Builder, you will now have columns with your contact's information and the programs they are enrolled in.

To filter for contacts enrolled in one program, click on the gray funnel icon next to the Programs Enrolled In column header. 

A box will pop-up with various filter options. Towards the middle of the box, there will be a Search text box. Type in the name of the program that you want to filter by in this box. Then click on the done button at the bottom of the box. 

Your report will now be filtered by contacts enrolled in the program you have searched for.

Form Data

If you want to see form data filled out on a particular program, you can build up a report by selecting the following fields:

Person ->
    Basic Fields ->
         - Unique ID
         - First Name
         - Last Name

Or, if your form is filled out on group contacts, make sure to change the Report On section to Groups and select the Group Name instead!

Next, open up the Activity or Assessment form that you want to pull data for. This will live under either the section Activities or Assessments. Search for the form you want in the alphabetical list and click the + button to open up the form options.

Once the form options are clicked open, select any form data that you'd like to see in the report. Lastly, make sure that the option "Program that this form was filled out with respect to" is selected.

In the central part of the Report Builder, you will now have columns with your form data and the programs it was filled out on.

To filter for forms filled out on one program, click on the gray funnel icon next to the Program that this form was filled out with respect to column header. 

A box will pop-up with various filter options. At the bottom of the box, there will be a Search text box. Type in the name of the program that you want to filter by in this box. Then click on the done button at the bottom of the box. 

Your form data will now be filtered by program!

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