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2018 Product Changes

New features, improvements and fixes during 2018!

Ocean Chow avatar
Written by Ocean Chow
Updated over 5 years ago

2018 was a great year for VerticalChange! We introduced many new features, and spent time improving and fixing existing parts of the application. Below are highlights from some of the most exciting changes.


Download a list of your contact's form results

  • We have added new settings on a contact's Activities and Assessment tabs that allow you to download and print the full list of completed activity or assessment forms.

Group Members are Alphabetical

  • We have made it easier to find group participants by  alphabetizing the list of group members on the Dashboard, sidebar, and when selecting Participants for group form results.

Data Imports (for agencies with Imports enabled)

New fields supported in the Importer

  • URL fields and Time fields are now supported and can be imported into

Importer Optimizations

  • We have made optimizations to the Data Importer to allow larger data imports without causing any system outages or slowness.


Warning Message when Exiting Forms

  • We have added a safety measure in all areas where users complete forms to ensure that a "Are You Sure?" warning message pops-up before exiting a form mid-way through. This will occur if a user presses 'Cancel', accidentally clicks a different button on the page, or mistakenly hits the back button. This will prevent users from accidentally losing their work

Form Archiving

  • Our new form archiving feature allows administrators to archive old versions of forms, allowing users to continue to see the old form results they have completed, but removing it from the available options of forms to complete. This feature is turned on by request only, so reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you are interested!

Form Results Pagination

  • We have introduced pagination on a form's list of form results. This will make form results quicker to load and view. 

Goals (for agencies with Goals enabled)

Community Board/Goal Tracker Updates

We have made some improvements to the Community Board/Goal Tracker to make it easier to use, including:

  • Assigned Staff will now show as the full staff name, instead of initials

  • The list of Goals and Assigned Staff to filter are in alphabetical order, making it easier to find the option you need

  • CSV Exports have been cleaned up

Permissions (for agencies with Permissions enabled)

Set a user's permissions to only see contacts enrolled in the user's programs

  • For agencies with permissions enabled, we have added a new permission option that sets a user's ability to only view contacts that are enrolled in programs that the user has access to. 

  • This new permission allows administrators to ensure that their staff are viewing and making changes to only contacts that the staff member is working with. 

  • You can find the new permission under the Contact section of your Permission Sets. 

  • By default, "View all agency program contacts --- Allow user to view contacts for all programs of an agency" is selected, meaning user's will have access to view all contacts, regardless of program enrollment. Unselecting this option from the permission set will limit the user's access to contacts only enrolled in the programs that they have permission to view.


New Permissions Added!

We have added a few new permissions to help you manage what your users see in VerticalChange.

1. View activity and assessment tabs for contact user --- When unchecked, this hides the Activity and Assessment tabs on contacts.

2. View all form result data --- When checked, this allows a user to view all form results on a contact, no matter who filled out the form. Unchecking this option, and checking the 'View form data' permission set, allows you to restrict a user from seeing only the form results that they have created.

3. View help menu -- This allows you to show/hide the ? help menu from users. 

Report Builder permission updates

  • for agencies with permissions, we have improved the Report Builder so that it will not show data for programs that your user does not have access to. We have also improved permissions so that reports cannot be pulled on contacts that your user does not have access to. 

Staff Users

Staff and Accounts

The Account management section for admins has now been separated into two different areas - Account and Staff.

The Account module will allow you to update your account settings, manage permissions, create hotkeys and update your profile.  

Under Staff, you can view your user list, update your users information and set their permissions.

You can access both of these areas in your lefthand navigation menu.

Site Users are now Participants

Site users will now be managed from the new Participants module. 

Here you can add your site users, specify the site that they are associated with, and update their permissions.


Performance Improvements for Activity and Assessment Lists

  • We have made improvements to address the slow loading of a contact's Activities and Assessment form results. 

If you have questions about any of these new features, please reach out to us through support chat or !

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