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Product Changes - April 2020

Attendance UI Improvements and lots of bug fixes!

Ocean Chow avatar
Written by Ocean Chow
Updated over 4 years ago

Relationship Field

You can now add a contact as a family member directly from a "Relationship" field in a contact form.

Contact Filters

On the contact filter options—you now must click on the "Apply Filters" button before your filter options take effect.

Attendance Module

We've improved our "Attendance Module" interface—we believe this makes it more intuitive and userfriendly.

Active Sessions are now filterable by session name and group name—this makes it easier for users to find a specific active session.

Text boxes in multi-select fields are now saving correctly—there was a bug causing the text to enter into the box to disappear after saving the form.

Assigned users are now displaying correctly on the contact's sidebar on the right side of the screen—long names now wrap to a second row.

When confirming your VerticalChange account or setting a new password—the input fields are now centered on the page.

For agencies in SuperSet—we've improved overall performance. There was an issue where specific slices would time-out and not load properly.

Results on the "Report Builder" should now scroll properly—there was a bug that caused the individual sections in the "Report Builder" not to scroll.

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