When you enroll a contact in a program that has goals enabled, all completed form results for those goals are displayed on the contact dashboard under the Form Name, along with one or more pieces of information chosen by your admin from the form results. (For more information on Program Goals, see Create and Edit Program Goals). (To select which pieces of information from your form results are displayed and sortable on the contact dashboard, see Enable Top Level Display.)
In this example, we have a goal called "Progress Notes - Individuals" that has a form called Progress Note - Individual Service. When you look at the client's dashboard you can see the goal title, the form name, and a list of completed forms along with the Administered At date, two fields from the Progress Notes form (Clinician Overseeing Service and the Service Type), and form Status.
You can change how these completed form results are displayed using the Sort By dropdown at the top of the list of form results.
For example, if you select "Clinician Overseeing Service (ASC)" in the Sort By dropdown, you will see the completed Progress Notes sorted by the Clinician Overseeing Service in alphabetical order.
Or, if you select "Service Type (DESC)" you will see all the form results grouped by Service Type in reverse alphabetical order.
Note: If any information in this table is blank, this means that the piece of information that was set to display here has not been completed in the form result. To fix this, you can click on the "Administered At" link, complete any missing fields, and save.
For more information on Program Goals, see Create and Edit Program Goals. To select which pieces of information from your form results are displayed and sortable on the contact dashboard, see Enable Top Level Display. These are both Admin only abilities, so contact your agency admin if you want to enable these features for your program/agency.