Find the Person, Family or Group contact you want to delete by using the Jump to contact field or by selecting Contacts from the Main Menu.
While on the contact's Dashboard, take a look at the yellow sidebar on the right. Next to the contact’s name, there are two icons, a printer and a file storage box.
Click the icon for the file storage box to archive the contact.
A confirmation will appear in your browser. Click OK to confirm.
A message will be displayed briefly above the dashboard confirming that the contact is successfully archived.
Once your contact is archived, at the bottom of the sidebar, click the option to Delete this contact.
Answer the question Sure? by clicking Yes to delete the contact. You may also click No to cancel.
After clicking Yes, the contact record will be deleted, and you will be returned to the list of Contacts.
Note: If you are unable to see the file storage box or the red 'Delete this contact' link, this means you do not have permission to perform these actions. You will need to ask a supervisor or user with admin privileges to delete for you.