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Product Changes - November 2020

Report Builder outage fix, Contacts Grid suffix missing, Form select-field slug requirement, and more!

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over 4 years ago

  • We resolved an issue where users were getting an "Error!" message when trying to run reports in the Report Builder, or pull SQL reports in Visual VerticalChange. Major outages like this are reported on our Status page - make sure to subscribe to get updates when there is planned downtime or unexpected outages!

  • We have squashed a bug where the contact name suffix was not displaying in the Contacts grid!

  • When archiving a contact sub-type, fields in that sub-type that were marked as "Visible on sidebar" were still showing the field labels in the sidebar. We have fixed that bug!

  • For agencies using our Attendance module, we have fixed a broken link when clicking on a date in the Missing Attendance calendar.

  • We have resolved an issue where downloading a report from the Report Builder in the afternoon would give the report title a date of one day in the future.

Existing Feature Improvements

* Form Templates now require all options on Single-Select & Multi-Select Fields to have a Slug

Due to a critical performance issue, any single-select (radio or dropdown) or multi-select (checkbox) fields where at least one option in the field needs to have a slug - we are now requiring that all options have a slug. If you only provide one slug to an option in these fields, you will receive an error message when trying to save.

You can also choose not to slug any of the options, and the form will allow you to save.

* Program Goals Messaging

We have removed outdated messaging when clicking on a Program name that was showing there were 0 goals to complete. We now encourage you to click on the "Goals" tab to see the number of goals per program, the deadline, and all relevant information related to the goal.

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