β This article is for users with the Account Owner role.
1. Archive task --- Allow user to archive a task
When checked, users can:
Delete a task on their Tasks list or a task they've assigned to another user
2. Create task --- Allow user to create a new task
When checked, users can:
Access the "Task" option under the Create button
Access the "Add Task" button on the Tasks page
3. Update task --- Allow user to edit a task
When checked, users can:
Make changes to the task name, description, or due date for their own task, or a task they've assigned to other users
4. Update task assignment --- Allow user to reassign a task
When checked, users can:
View all staff and participant user names in the Assign To drop-down when creating a new task, and assign that task to a user
View all staff and participant user names in the Reassign to Another User drop-down when updating an existing task
View the tasks they've assigned to other users under the "Tasks I've Assigned to Others" section
Without this permission, a user can only assign tasks to themselves, and are blocked from re-assigning existing tasks.
5. View assigned by user --- Allow user to view the name of the person who assigned them a task
When checked, users can:
View the name of the person who assigned them a task in the My Tasks section
6. View task --- Allow user to view tasks
When checked, users can:
Access their tasks from the "Tasks" button on the lefthand navigation menu