If you have already entered attendance for a child on a date after their exit date and attempt to exit the child, you will encounter an error.
You will need to delete the attendance days entered after the exit date prior to being able to exit the child.
To fix this, you will first need to delete the attendance and then the exit the child.
To delete attendance from the Daily View:
Go to Session Attendances>Attendance Tab>Daily Tab
Select the dates entered for attendance that are after the child’s exit date
Click Actions>Delete Attendance
You need to delete attendance for every day after the exit date before you can exit the child
Once you have deleted attendance for all the days prior to exit date, you can continue to exit the child on the correct exit date.
To delete attendance from the Weekly View:
Go to Session Attendances>Attendance Tab>Weekly Tab
Click the Delete Attendance Hyperlink under date that attendance needs to be deleted after the exit date