When tracking Parent Education classes through the First 5 grant as well as through the Family Resource Center, you will need to follow a 2-step process. First 5 only requires that you record the parent participation one time, and if you want to record subsequent dates of attendance through the FRC, you need to follow a different process in addition to the F5 process. Follow these steps to do both.
Tracking for First 5
Search for each individual that you would like to record attendance for and:
Ensure that they are enrolled in both the FS: Family Resource Center AND Family Resource Center programs (through the Programs tab)
In the Activity tab, complete the "Parent Ed and Support" form
For First 5, you only need to complete this one time for each participant, when they begin the class.
Tracking for the Family Resource Center
For continued attendance tracking for the FRC, search for the 'group' (the class) if it has already been created, and:
Ensure the group is enrolled in both the "FS: Family Resource Center" AND "Family Resource Center" programs (through the Programs tab)
In the Activity tab, complete the "Class Attendance" form and check the individuals from the 'Participants' box
Note: If your class hasn't yet been created as a group, you will need to create one. To create a 'class' as a group, where you can assign members, select "class" from the green "Create" dropdown and fill out the form detail.
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