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Q1 2024 Enhancements

System and feature enhancements

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over 11 months ago

You asked and we listened! With user input we've rolled out some new enhancements to VerticalChange. Check them out below.

New "EDIT" button when viewing dashboard goals on a contact dashboard

We have made it easier for users to identify how to edit form results on a Contact's Dashboard for goals.

Instead of clicking on the old "Administered At" link on the goal dashboard, there is a new "Edit" button that calls out how to edit a previous Goal result.

Report Builder: New Name and Category search bars in Saved Reports

When searching for a Saved Report, we have added two new search bars to make finding your report easier. When in the Reports tab, you will notice that there is now a new search bar for Name and Category. This will allow for you to quickly find a specific report without needing to scroll through multiple pages of reports.

Documents - Ability to link a URL in the Documents Tab

You now have the ability to link a URL for quick access in the documents tab, in addition to the existing ability to upload a document. This change allows for users to more easily find important links and navigate to the URLs without multiple clicks.

To upload a URL on the Documents tab, simply select "URL" as the document type. Once you have selected URL, a new field will appear for you to enter the URL.

NEW WORKFLOW FEATURE - Form Result Review, Approval, and Finalization

We now offer the ability for customers to designate specific users to review and approve/rejects form results submitted by other users.

If the approver reviews and changes are not, they are able to reject the request and allow the user to make necessary edits to the form and resubmit for approval.

Once the form results are approved by an approver, they will be locked to ensure that the results can not be edited in the future.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to our support team.

Permissions - Changes to Update Report Permission

Based on your feedback, we made changes to the Update Report permission. Users with a permission set that does not have access to Update Report are no longer able to make changes or see the left-hand field selection or update a saved report.

If a user needs access to update an agency's saved reports, ensure that the Update Report permission is enabled for their permission set.

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