To illustrate how you might need this feature, lets use an example: All of your clients in the Counseling Program must complete an Intake Assessment before beginning services. You manage a caseload of 20 clients - to make sure this requirement is met, you want to pull some data to find out which of your clients have NOT had their intake completed.
The easiest way to find this data, is to use the Report Builder and utilize the "Require Form Results" to get to the data you need. Here are the steps:
Query Your Data
STEP 1: Disable "Require Form Results" Checkbox
In the upper left of the Report Builder, you will see a checkbox for "Require Form Result". This box comes automatically checked when you open the Report Builder. What it means, is that it will pull ONLY data for people who have completed the form you are querying. For the example above, if only 15 of your 20 clients have completed the Intake Assessment, then only 15 people will show in the grid when you query the Intake Assessment fields. When you un-check that box, it will bring EVERYONE into the grid. All 20 clients. But you will see blanks for those who did not complete the form.
STEP 2: Query Data for Your Particular Program
Once you have pulled all Unique IDs into the grid. Person>Basic Fields>Unique ID and any other identifying data you might want to filter by, pull in all "Programs Enrolled In" . You will now see everyone in your system and the programs they are enrolled in.
STEP 3: Query Data for Your Specific Caseload
When you create a new profile, you have the option to assign staff to that person. If you are following this step, you will be able to pull all of your specific caseload into the report grid for analysis. Simply go to Person>Basic Fields>and select "assigned to".
STEP 4: Query Data for the Form of Interest
Now you can begin pulling in data for your Intake Assessment. Navigate to "Activities" in the query panel on the left and find the Intake Assessment. The first field you want to pull into the grid is the Date of Activity. The reason you want to pull in that field first is because it is required for every form. Everyone who has completed that form, even if none of the fields inside the form have been completed, will have data in the Date of Activity. After that, pull in any other pertinent fields for that form.