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Understanding the Left Hand Navigation Tabs

Learn about what each tab contains to help you better use the system

Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over a month ago

These tabs are the main way users navigate the system, so it is import to know what they are! Each user may see different tabs and tab content depending on their individual Permissions, but this is an overview of all the the tabs.


This is the Agency Wide dashboard where you can see recent events and send messages to the whole agency.


In this tab admin users can update agency's profile, export notes, manage permissions, change agency account settings, and create Hotkeys.


This tab shows a grid of all agency Contacts including People and Groups. Grid can be sorted, filtered, and exported at any time.


This tab is used to track your own or other users' deadlines associated with goals through the Goals, where you can filter the data you're looking for in many different ways.


You can upload documents to the agency here and anyone in the agency with documents permission can view and download them.



Through this tab, an admin user can import data into the Vertical Change system. See here how to prepare your data, upload the import file, create the import configuration, and run your import.


This tab has a list of all programs, and a user can create new ones, edit or delete existing ones, fill out program-wide forms, and create or edit goals.


Here is where you can create new reports through the Report Builder, view and edit saved reports, export report data, and run Standard Reports.


In this tab, admin users can create and edit users, send password reset emails, create and set permissions, and edit user’s Program and Form access.


In this tab, users can view, re-assign, and complete Tasks assigned to them.

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