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June/July 2024 Enhancements
Angela Lim avatar
Written by Angela Lim
Updated over 7 months ago

You asked and we listened! With user input we've rolled out some new enhancements to VerticalChange. Check them out below.

Character Limits on Text Fields

VerticalChange now supports the ability to set character limits on text fields. There are now two methods of setting limits on text fields in VerticalChange that will prevent users from entering more than a certain number of characters.

Before you set these limits, please keep in mind that setting these limits could lead to trimming of historical data that exceeds the maximum. You may reach out to VerticalChange chat if you would like to verify if your data could potentially be affected.

Updates to Contact Side-bar

You will notice a new look to the right side-bar when viewing a contact. The changes are part of our ongoing efforts to improve the user experience of VerticalChange. You will notice nowthat the right side-bar is now a different color, to better align with the rest of your VerticalChange experience. Stay tuned for more updates to come to the Contact Side-bar.

You will also notice that you now have the ability to collapse the side bar, allowing you to expand the details on the contact tabs for easier viewing of the contact details, dashboard, and forms

Report Builder - Saved Reports NEW Last Access By and Last Accessed Date Columns

There are two new columns available in Saved Reports that allow a user to see who last accessed a report and the date that it was last accessed. This allows users to better understand if a report is still being used and who is using it.

The ability to see these new columns is driven by permission set.

Field Group Branching when Duplicating a Form Template

We are excited to share that Field Group Branching now copies over when duplicating a Form Template in Form Builder.

Previously, when duplicating a form that had Field Group branching enabled and in use, the branching would not copy over when duplicating a form template.

If you are duplicating a form that has field branching already in place, all you need to do is simply duplicate the form within Form Builder. Upon duplication, any field branching will automatically carry over in to your new form.

Documents - NEW Updated Date Column

We know that there are times when there is a need to update an existing document within the Documents tab and it wasn't easy to know when the latest update to the document occured.

We have added a new "Updated At" column to better help you to know if you are seeing the most current version of a document.

See below for a view of what the new column looks like in VerticalChange.

Contact Dashboard - Goals Edit Button Update

Agencies using goals will notice that the Edit button on a Contact's Dashboard page has been changed to View/Edit.

This change makes it easier for users to know where to click to view/edit a contact's goal.

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